Welcome to Aerolite Studios

I'm a guy from Hungary. I make apps, games and other side projects in my spare time.


An app that helps users install and manage third party apps on macOS


A beautiful Hungarian Wordle clone iOS app

Other Projects

Take a look at my other projects, from apps to AI to fun little scripts


My biggest project so far. This app helps to install and manage third party apps on macOS. The apps is completely free and open source. It is built with Swift and SwiftUI, and uses Homebrew as its backend to install apps.


  • Install, update, and uninstall apps with a single click
  • Clean and simple UI designed for non-technical users
  • Free and open source
  • Works with existing brew installation
  • Supports system proxy (HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS5)
  • Handpicked gallery of awesome apps

Other Projects


A beautiful Hungarian Wordle clone iOS app. Fully native, written in Swift and SwiftUI.

Download on the App Store

Marker Data

A free and open source project management app for Final Cut Pro. I have created the UI and UX logic for it.

See more on GitHub

Cutlery Classifier

A computer vision model that can distinguish spoons, forks and knives. I built it test my machine learning skills.

Try it out

Quote Generator

Generates inspirational quotes based on 400 exsisting ones. It does it's job pretty poorly but that's what makes it funny.

Try it out

Kimerülő kutyaól generátor

(For Hungarian users) A Négyszögletű Kerek Erdőben megjelenő Kimerülő kutyaól című vers mintájára verset csinál egy mondatból

Próbáld ki

This website

This website uses Vapor as its backend, because I like to work with Swift. The frontend is done with Bootstrap, the template is from BootstrapMade.


Bouncy Deer

A physics based puzzle game where you launch deers and use different elements such as trampolines and cannons to get the deer into the goal.


An infinite platformer where you can slow time when you are in a tight situation and change the environment to your advantage.

X-Mas Impossible

A Christmas-themed stealth game with the complication of social distancing. Control Santa and deliver the presents in the trying time of the covid-19.

About Me

Hello, I'm a high school student from Hungary. I like to make all kinds of projects in my spare time, from simple scripts to games to desktop applications.

I started my programming journey by making games in Gamemaker Studio, then later in Godot. Next, I learned Python and did some projects with it.

I had an idea for a MacOS application, so I learned Swift and SwiftUI to create Applite, my biggest project to date. With this knowledge I was able to work on Marker Data, which is a project management tool for Final Cut Pro. And I also created Szóda, a beautiful Hungarian Wordle clone iOS app.








