Quote Generator
Ha sikeres akarsz lenni, ne támaszkodj másokra olyan dolgokban, amiket te is bizonyára már ezerszer elmondtad… hogy soha nem felejtik el, hogy képes vagy rá, és félig már véghez is vitted!
Just press the button and the program will generate a motivational quote for you based on 400 existing ones. It might not make a lot of sense.
How it works?
The program generates text with a Markov chain which simply decides the next word based on a sample text. For instance, if in our sample quotes after the word "you" the word "must" appears 4 times the word "have" appears 2 times, then if we get to the word "you" in the process of generation, then the program will throw a dice and if its 4 or less it will put the word "must" else it will put "have" and then it repeats the same process for "must" or "have" whichever it chose until it hits a period.